
Advertisement RFP Document Pre-Bid Corrigendum Published On Last Date Revised Date
Hiring of a Consultant – Finance & Accounts 18-Mar-2025 26-Mar-2025 23:59 N/A
RFP-Hiring of a Consultant (individual or organization) on Nature-based Infrastructure Solutions to support the development of the Second Biennial Report on Global Infrastructure Resilience 03-Mar-2025 12-Mar-2025 23:59 N/A
RFP-Hiring an Organization to Develop a Resource Mobilization Strategy for CDRI 17-Feb-2025 10-Mar-2025 23:59 20-Mar-2025 23:59
RFP_Hiring of a Consultant (Individual or Organization) on Institutions and Governance for Resilient Infrastructure Workstream to support the development of the Second Biennial Report on Global Infrastructure Resilience 06-Feb-2025 27-Feb-2025 23:59 06-Mar-2025 23:59
RFQ-Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) of Air Conditioners at CDRI Secretariat Office 28-Jan-2025 11-Feb-2025 23:59 N/A
RFP-Hiring an Organization for the Development of the Second Iteration of the Global Infrastructure Risk Model and Resilience Index (GIRI)         23-Jan-2025 28-Feb-2025 23:59 10-Mar-2025 17:30
RFP_Empanelment of Agency(s) to Support Power Sector Resilience Programs and Activities 17-Jan-2025 30-Jan-2025 15:00 06-Feb-2025 23:59
RFP for Hiring a Consultancy firm to Develop Airport Preparedness Measures for Climate Risks to Enhance Adaptive Capacity and Infrastructure Resilience 15-Jan-2025 28-Jan-2025 23:59 N/A
RFP for hiring an organization to develop and conduct a Pilot Global Business Survey on Infrastructure Resilience Benefits 26-Dec-2024 17-Jan-2025 23:59 24-Jan-2025 23:59
RFP_Hiring Agency(s) for Outsourcing CDRI Accounting Services 19-Dec-2024 20-Jan-2025 23:59 10-Feb-2025 17:00
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