Prof Kimio TAKEYA
Distinguished Technical Advisor on Disaster Risk Reduction, JICA, Visiting Professor, Tohoku University, IRIDeS

Prof. Takeya, is well known as a Disaster Risk Reduction and Reconstruction Policy Advisor.
He joined most of the PDNA survey and recovery policy dialogue around the world Mega Disasters, such as Sumatra Tsunami 2004, Central Java Earthquake 2006, Manila Ondoy Flood 2009, Pakistan Indus Flood 2010, Thailand Flood 2011, Philippines Typhoon Yolanda 2013, Nepal Earthquake 2015 and so on.
The concept word “Build Back Better” standardized in Sendai Framework was proposed by him from 2006 Central Java Earthquake and first documented on the PDNA of Manila Ondoy Flood 2009.
He played a significant role as a member of Japanese Government negotiation team towards formulation of Sendai framework for DRR 2015-2030 and made “Build Back Better” as an international standard of recovery concept.
He continuously contributes to the Sendai Framework Indicator finalizing process as an open-ended expert group member. He is the sole distinguished Technical Advisor on DRR of JICA.