Prof John Dora
Director , Climate Sense

A Visiting Professor at the University of Surrey, John Dora is a recognised international expert on climate change adaptation, standards and sustainable infrastructure asset management. He has forty-one years’ experience that includes flood risk management and asset management of railway structures. His career in infrastructure has covered research, construction and maintenance activities. He is an independent consultant and has been advisor to a number of organisations including the World Bank and the United Nations.
In 2019 John won a BSI award for leading development of ISO 14090 Adaptation to climate change – the first global standard on adaptation, and in 2017 the Institution of Civil Engineers Infrastructure Asset Management Prize for the paper Towards the future-proofing of UK infrastructure. He is an accomplished lecturer, designing and delivering courses on sustainability, asset management and resilience at the Universities of Birmingham and Surrey, and through Climate Sense, where he is a director.