Mr Muhammad Naveed Saeed
Vice President - Global Service Management, Uptime Institute

Mr. Muhammad Naveed Saeed is a VP – Global Service Management, based in London, UK, who provides superior technical and management expertise with a focus on design standardization, cost optimization, agility and process improvement to enhance data center construction and operations. Mr. Saeed’s career spans almost 20 years and includes experience in all aspects of engineering projects and mission critical facilities covering complete lifecycle starting from design, project management, construction to commissioning and operations. At Uptime, he is responsible for advising data center owners on technology road map, Tier compliance, design and execution strategy as well as operational sustainability. He provides advisory of during data center construction and performs facility certification. As an instructor, he instructs Accredited Tier Designer course to data center professionals along with the advanced seminars for: Advanced Mechanical & Tiers, Advanced Electrical & Tiers, and Fundamentals of Tier Topology Seminar.